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Buying and selling
This part of the site provides legal information and documents to help you deal with any complications arising from either buying or selling things, be it pets, motor vehicles or other general items.
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Buying goods
This pack provides you with a large range of document templates for dealing with a problem with goods you have purchased. It provides templates for requesting a refund, a replacement, or compensation in the event of goods being unfit for purpose, damaged during delivery, faulty or poorly repaired. See the individual information associated with each document in this pack for a full description of their use, and the circumstances under which each is most appropriate.
Use this letter to ask for a refund if you've been left with a faulty item after the seller has tried to repair or replace it.
This letter is suitable for requests about goods bought within the last 6 years. You can also use it in relation to digital content (e.g. a digital movie file), but only to ask for a price reduction (not a refund). You cannot use it about a motor vehicle.
This letter is only suitable for consumers (not businesses) making purchases from sellers based in the UK.
Use this letter when a seller doesn't accept responsibility for a faulty item and tries to instead blame a manufacturer or developer. You're entitled to a repair, replacement, or - if you ask for it within 30 days - a refund.
This letter is suitable for requests in relation to goods, but not services. You can also use it in relation to digital content (e.g. a digital movie file), but only to ask for a repair or replacement (not a refund).
Do not use it if you bought the item more than 6 years ago.
Before using this letter, you need to have already complained to the seller.
This letter is only suitable for consumers (not businesses) making purchases from sellers based in the UK.
Use this letter to ask for a refund from a seller where the seller has failed to deliver goods you purchased within the timeframe expected. This could mean not delivering by a specific date as set in your contract, or (if there is no specific delivery date) not delivering within 30 days.
In some circumstances, you must give the seller more time to deliver the goods. You can use this letter to make a final demand for delivery.
Note that this letter is not suitable if you bought the goods without any face-to-face contact with the seller (e.g. ordering online or from a postal catalogue), or if you have purchased intangible digital content, such as an app.
This document is suitable for goods purchased by a consumer (not a business) in the UK.
Use this letter to ask for a refund or replacement if you bought something that isn't fit for its intended purpose. You can use it if you told the seller about your intended use for the item, or if a written description mentioned its suitability.
You're entitled to a refund if you ask for it within 30 days; after that, you can use this letter to ask for a replacement.
This letter is suitable for requests in relation to goods, but not services. You can also use it in relation to digital content (e.g. a digital movie file), but only to ask for a replacement (not a refund).
Note that if you bought remotely (e.g. via the internet or a catalogue) and fewer than 14 days have passed since you received the item, you have an automatic right to a refund. If this applies to you, don't use this letter.
This letter is only suitable for consumers (not businesses) making purchases from sellers based in the UK.
Use this letter to ask for a refund or replacement if you bought something that didn't live up to its description. The description might have come through labelling, packaging, brochures, advertising or discussions with sales staff.
You're entitled to a refund if you ask for it within 30 days; after that, you can use this letter to ask for a replacement.
This letter is suitable for requests in relation to goods, but not services. You can also use it in relation to digital content (e.g. a digital movie file), but only to ask for a replacement (not a refund).
Note that if you bought remotely (e.g. via the internet or a catalogue) and fewer than 14 days have passed since you received the item, you have an automatic right to a refund. If this applies to you, don't use this letter.
This letter is only suitable for consumers (not businesses) making purchases from sellers based in the UK.
Use this letter to complain about the poor quality of something you've bought. You can use it to demand a refund if you ask for it within 30 days and can prove there is a fault. After that, you can use it to ask for a refund or replacement up until 6 months after purchase.
This letter is suitable for requests in relation to goods, but not services. You can also use it in relation to digital content (e.g. a digital movie file), but only to ask for a repair or replacement (not a refund).
Note that if you bought remotely (e.g. via the internet or a catalogue) and fewer than 14 days have passed since you received the item, you have an automatic right to a refund. If this applies to you, don't use this letter.
This letter is only suitable for consumers (not businesses) making purchases from sellers based in the UK.
Use this letter to ask for compensation from the seller when a faulty item causes damage to your possessions or property.
You can ask for the cost of repairing the damage or, if that's impossible or uneconomical, the cost of replacing it. Depending on the circumstances, the letter will also ask for a refund, repair or replacement of the faulty item.
This letter is suitable for requests in relation to goods, but not services. You can also use it in relation to digital content (e.g. a digital movie file).
This letter is only suitable for consumers (not businesses) making purchases from sellers based in the UK.
Contracting with a builder
Media and entertainment
Use this agreement when a band or individual performer is hired to perform at a party or other private or business function/event (e.g. weddings, birthdays, work events, etc).
It can be used by either the performer or the hirer, for single or multiple performances.
Areas covered include:
- Single or multiple performances
- Payment arrangements (including the performance fee, and options for a deposit, expenses, late payment interest and cancellation charges)
- Responsibility for performing rights licenses
- Whether video/audio recordings are allowed
- Rehearsal options
- Technical requirements and specifications
- Insurance and indemnity issues
- Whether facilities/refreshments must be provided
It's not suitable for a ticketed event where the performer requires a percentage of the ticket revenue.
To use this agreement, the horse or pony must have a passport, unless it is exempt from doing so under legislation. This agreement is suitable where the purchase price is received in full by a single payment and not by instalments and the horse or pony is not subject to a loan or charge against it.
There are options to list any health or behavioural issues that the animal might have, or to confirm that the buyer is purchasing the horse or pony 'as seen'. There is also the option of a trial period.
It is not suitable for the sale of horses or ponies that are to be used for racing or breeding. This agreement is suitable for use in the UK.
Sales contracts
Selling or buying a vehicle
Use this agreement when buying or selling a second-hand motor vehicle. You can use it for any motor vehicle that's intended for driving on UK roads - e.g. cars, vans, horseboxes, motorbikes or mopeds.
In this agreement, the buyer agrees to purchase the vehicle 'as seen', so the seller isn't responsible for any problems found later. However, the seller promises that the vehicle is roadworthy. The seller also confirms the mileage is correct and that there are no unpaid charges on the vehicle.
The agreement is only suitable for private sales between individuals. It's not suitable for:
- selling vehicles as scrap;
- selling a type of vehicle exempt from MOT testing;
- sales of vehicles by dealers; or
- buyers or sellers who are under 18.