How to use - My Templates
The ‘My Templates’ page is where you can start to create new legal documents based on the legal templates you have purchased. It is the counterpart to the ‘My Documents’ page, where you can access, monitor and file any of the documents that you have purchased and started work on.
The following functionality is available on the ‘My Templates’ page:
Changing the order of the documents displayed: Use the ‘order by’ functionality in the top right of the page to order your documents either:
- alphabetically (‘A>Z’)
- reverse alphabetically (‘Z>A’)
- in descending order based on when they were last edited or actioned (‘Last changed’)
Show service details: use the ‘Show Details/Hide Details’ function next to each template to show or hide full details on the service level, date purchased and how many times you can create a document from this template.
Starting a new document: click on the document title or on the ‘Start’ button to create a new document based on this template. If you save the document, it will then appear in your ‘My Documents’ page.
Can’t start a new version of a document? When you purchase a service through Desktop Lawyer the template has a set number of uses as explained in the terms of sale. If you have already ‘used up’ either the number of documents you can create from a template you have purchased then you will see that some templates are unavailable to you. The statuses you will see under these circumstances are:
- In progress – you have already created a document based on this template and it is in progress.
- Limit reached – you have purchased a product where you can only create a certain number of documents from a wider selection, and although you may not have created a document from the template in question, you have reached the limit of the document you can create under the terms of your purchase.